We had such a busy weekend!
It started off hectic with a trip to Wal-Mart Friday night, which turned out to be stressful. Two year olds apparently have their own agenda!
But how can you stay irritated when they are this cute!

Saturday, I had to attend a funeral. The PE teacher passed away following an off-roading accident, leaving his wife and three young children. It is a heartbreaking situation and all I could think was how easy that could be me. The funeral was a time of worship for me because I know that God makes all things good. I left the funeral so aware of the blessing of Eric but, of course, the devil showed up at our house!
Eric went to the Carolina game and we FINALLY had a good game. The score was like 54-3! Crazy! As soon as I left the funeral, I met the girls and Mimi at a birthday party, we ran to the fabric store and finally, headed home! Sunday we headed to church and we played the rest of the afternoon. It has been a beautiful, cool weekend here and I hate it when they come to an end so fast!