Yesterday was Hadley's first day of preschool (and her 3rd birthday...tear)!

I just love her little sasser attitude! She is full personality and I love it to pieces!
I just love her little sasser attitude! She is full personality and I love it to pieces!
We are always chasing wild, child Hollins! That baby is in to EVERYTHING!
And she pitched a little fit while Hadley was getting in the car without her. She loves her big sister.
However, I think a little time apart from each other will be a good thing-they are starting
to get a little irritated with one another.
She did so great! She walked right in with zero hesitation! Me, on the other hand, was ridiculous!
Just last week I told my two teacher assistants how I would not be one of those mothers
who cried when their babies went to Kindergarten.
Ummmm...yeah...pretty sure, I was the mama who is nauseous and crying at 3 year old preschool. husband thinks I lost it!
It was her third birthday and I think I was reflecting on how exactly three years ago I hadn't even been able to see her because she was in the NICU and I was to sick to go see her.
See....I had every right to be emotional, right????
things about! I am so thankful for a sweet teacher for Hadley.
She jumped right in!
Hadley had a great first day of school and I am so happy! She is excited to go tomorrow and this
makes me so happy!
makes me so happy!