As part of my 2012 goals, I want to take more pictures and do Project 365. I am creating a digital scrapbook through Shutterfly and so far it seems pretty simple. They have already created the Project 365 digital templates and gives you space to write thoughts and you can add pages for special events. At the end of the year, I would love to be able to print the book out. I am not a scrapbooker, so this is a way I can keep my memories in more than photo albums.
January 1: We always eat greens and pinto beans lunch at Eric's parents house for New Year's.
January 2: While perusing Target's after Christmas sales, I found a Baby and Me booster seat for Hadley. She eats standing up and occasionally falls off of her chair! I thought maybe if she could sit with her babies, she would use it! We tried it out with Hollins while Hadley was napping.
January 3: The chair works!! Hollins gets her first taste of bananas and LOVED it. She is definitely going to by my eater. Check out those checks!

January 4: Playing together in the crib!
January 5: This girl and her daddy. Those two are inseparable. Makes me heart happy to see how much they love each other.

January 6: Sweet sisters!
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