My sweet girl, Hadley is now 2! Heartbreaking....I feel like I just had her! We started off the weekend celebration by going out to eat Mexican and she was a wild one. This mama celebrated with a margarita while trying to wrangle the birthday girl!
On Saturday, we had her birthday party at Monkey Joe's and that was a hit! The kids had a blast and the adults were able to relax and chat. I think the daddies had a lot of fun too! I don't have any pictures of the actual birthday party because I was busy helping set up and greeting our visitors. Eric's sister is our official family photographer and I will post those pictures when she sends them to me! Her theme was girly Elmo and everything was so cute!

After the party, we came home to open gifts and take naps before watching the Gamecocks. I thought for sure that girl was going to sleep FOREVER. Haha...joke's on mama! No nap, at all! Thankfully, my parents spent the night and were there to help me while Eric went to the game.

Here she is, thrilled to be taking another picture! But how cute is she in her Gamecock gear!

On Sunday morning, the plan was to bring Hadley her birthday cupcake with a candle and show her her birthday present. However, Hadley woke up very early and I was nursing the baby Eric did it all by himself. I felt horrible about not being there with her but Hollins was awake all night.
I also wanted to make her sprinkle pancakes in the shape of a number 2-another FAIL. I feel horrible now! Maybe this week we will have a special breakfast.

Eric and Hadley went to church while I stayed at home with Hollins to rest after a long night.
She did take a good nap this afternoon which was followed by a bike ride and a trip to the park.

We ended the weekend with a visit from Mimi, Pop, Auntie, and Grandmama and another birthday cake and more presents!
We had such a fun weekend and now its sad to me that her birthday is over but I feel like I have run a marathon this weekend. Hopefully, we will get back into a good routine (MMO starts this week-thank you, Jesus) and I am getting back on Weight Watchers and Hadley is going through a sugar detox. We are also very thankful that Eric is off of work tomorrow!
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day! Yay for Fall coming!