This weekend was crazy and busy.
The girls and I went to my parents house on Saturday to spend the night. The Gamecocks had a late game and I wanted to go shopping. My parents live in a town with the outlets!!
We decided to let Hollins sleep while my daddy watched TV and mama, Hadley, and I decided to shop. We only made it through one store (Carter's) and we were done. Hadley hadn't had a nap and had had a cold for about a week. I was able to get them a few things but not stock up like I had planned.
I bought Hadley all 2T things to get her through the year but they are hanging off of her.
The girls went to bed easily and I watched the Gamecocks struggle to win....
At 11:00, Hollins woke up and she had gotten the cold that Hadley and I had all week. She was pitiful and I felt so bad for her knowing I couldn't do anything to help her. She ended up getting up quite a bit through the night but we salined, sucked, and ran the humidifier through the next night day and night and today she seems much better!
This morning Hadley and I had her 2 year well visit. She weighed 26 pounds and was 35.5 inches tall. She's tall and skinny, not like her mother at all! The doctor was very impressed with her health and development. She knew all of her colors, counted to 10, and (dare I say) potty trained! Now to get rid of the paci...
Visiting from WLW. Oh how I love outlet shopping! It is so hard when little ones are sick, especially when they're too young to give them medicine. Thanks for sharing!