Hadley loves to dress herself and to keep my sanity and eardrums, most days I let her if we are sticking close to home.
This outfit is a Bailey Boys top, Gap capris, white socks, and Elmo socks.
Pool playtime!
This outfit is a Bailey Boys top, Gap capris, white socks, and Elmo socks.

Pool playtime!

Another of Hadley's outfits!
Striped Target pants and (my favorite-Suck, Bang, Blow tank top, which is a biker bar
in Myrtle Beach)

Close up of said shirt.
Seriously, one of Eric's friends in-laws own it and they gave us some when she was born
and she loves them. Probably because I don't always let her wear them, you know like to church.
But, seriously, is she not gorgeous?!

Fun highchair for only $12. My MIL found another one so the girls will have to find
something else to argue about because their highchairs will now match!
The rainbow cake looks soooooo good! Will you do a post on how to make it?